Haan 2001

Haan, Johnson Welem. 2001. The Grammar of Adang: A Papuan Language Spoken on the Island of Alor East Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Sydney; xix+416pp.)


  address = {Sydney},
  author  = {Haan, Johnson Welem},
  key     = {Haan 2001},
  pages   = {xix+416},
  school  = {University of Sydney},
  title   = {The Grammar of Adang: A Papuan Language Spoken on the Island of Alor East Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia},
  url     = {http://www-personal.arts.usyd.edu.au/jansimps/haan/},
  year    = {2001}