Bickel et al. 2007

Bickel, Balthasar and Gaenszle, Martin and Rai, Arjun and Rai, Prem Shoj and Rai, Shree Kumar and Rai, Vishnu and Sharma, Narayan P. 2007. Two Ways of Suspending Object Agreement in Puma: Between Incorporation, Antipassivization, and Optional Agreement. Himalayan Linguistics 7. 1-19.

  author  = {Bickel, Balthasar and Gaenszle, Martin and Rai, Arjun and Rai, Prem Shoj and Rai, Shree Kumar and Rai, Vishnu and Sharma, Narayan P.},
  journal = {Himalayan Linguistics},
  pages   = {1-19},
  title   = {Two Ways of Suspending Object Agreement in Puma: Between Incorporation, Antipassivization, and Optional Agreement},
  volume  = {7},
  year    = {2007}