Bi 2014

Bi, Qianqi. 2014. ``{J}īngdiǎn shìwén" yìdú zhī xíngtài yánjiū: yǐ qùshēng dúpò hé shēngmǔ qīngzhuó jiāotì wéi kǎochá duìxiàng \zh{《经典释文》异读之形态研究:以去声读破和声母清浊交替为考察对象} [Morphological research on the readings of the \textit{{J}ingdian {S}hiwen}]. Shanghai renmin chubanshe.

  author    = {Bi, Qianqi},
  publisher = {Shanghai renmin chubanshe},
  title     = {``{J}īngdiǎn shìwén" yìdú zhī xíngtài yánjiū: yǐ qùshēng dúpò hé shēngmǔ qīngzhuó jiāotì wéi kǎochá duìxiàng \zh{《经典释文》异读之形态研究:以去声读破和声母清浊交替为考察对象} [Morphological research on the readings of the \textit{{J}ingdian {S}hiwen}]},
  year      = {2014}