Chiang, Min-hua. 2017. Kèjiāhuà de chābǐjù jí xiāngguān wèntí \zh{客家話的差比句及相關問題} [The comparison of inequality in Hakka and some related issues]. Cahiers de linguistique - Asie orientale 46. 121-150.
@article{jacquesestimative-chiang17chabi, author = {Chiang, Min-hua}, journal = {Cahiers de linguistique - Asie orientale}, number = {2}, pages = {121-150}, title = {Kèjiāhuà de chābǐjù jí xiāngguān wèntí \zh{客家話的差比句及相關問題} [The comparison of inequality in Hakka and some related issues]}, volume = {46}, year = {2017} }