Creissels and Nouguier-Voisin 2008

Creissels, Denis and Nouguier-Voisin, Sylvie. 2008. Valency-changing operations in Wolof and the notion of co-participation. In König, Ekkerhard and Gast, Volker (eds.), Reciprocal and Reflexives, Theoretical and typological explanations, 289-305. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

  author    = {Creissels, Denis and Nouguier-Voisin, Sylvie},
  booktitle = {Reciprocal and Reflexives, Theoretical and typological explanations},
  editor    = {König, Ekkerhard and Gast, Volker},
  pages     = {289-305},
  publisher = {Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter},
  title     = {Valency-changing operations in Wolof and the notion of co-participation},
  year      = {2008}