Dingemanse et al. 2013

Dingemanse, Mark and Torreira, Francisco and Enfield, N. J. 2013. Is “Huh?” a Universal Word? Conversational Infrastructure and the Convergent Evolution of Linguistic Items. PLOS ONE 8. 1-10. Public Library of Science.

  author    = {Dingemanse, Mark and Torreira, Francisco and Enfield, N. J.},
  journal   = {PLOS ONE},
  month     = {11},
  number    = {11},
  pages     = {1-10},
  publisher = {Public Library of Science},
  title     = {Is “Huh?” a Universal Word? Conversational Infrastructure and the Convergent Evolution of Linguistic Items},
  volume    = {8},
  year      = {2013}