Djamouri 2013

Djamouri, Redouane. 2013. Cóng shànggǔ {H}ànyǔ gòucí xíngtài de jiǎodù zàitán {S}hāng {Z}hōu liǎngdài yǔyán qūbié \zh{从上古汉语构词形态的角度再谈商、周两代语言区别} [{T}he differences between the languages of the {S}hang and the {Z}hou dynasties from the point of view of {O}ld {C}hinese Morphology]. Lìshǐ yǔyánxué yánjiū \zh{历史语言学研究} 6. 49-68.

  author  = {Djamouri, Redouane},
  journal = {Lìshǐ yǔyánxué yánjiū \zh{历史语言学研究}},
  pages   = {49-68},
  title   = {Cóng shànggǔ {H}ànyǔ gòucí xíngtài de jiǎodù zàitán {S}hāng {Z}hōu liǎngdài yǔyán qūbié \zh{从上古汉语构词形态的角度再谈商、周两代语言区别} [{T}he differences between the languages of the {S}hang and the {Z}hou dynasties from the point of view of {O}ld {C}hinese Morphology]},
  volume  = {6},
  year    = {2013}