Lin, Ying-chin. 2007. \zh{從語言類型學的觀點看漢藏語言的空間位移表述—以西夏語為例} {T}he linguistic expression of “spatial motion” in {T}angut. In Lamarre, Christine and Ohori, Toshio (eds.), Typological Studies of the Linguistic expression of Motion Events, Volume I: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia, 168-190. University of Tokyo.
@incollection{jacquesestimative-linyc07spatial, author = {Lin, Ying-chin}, booktitle = {Typological Studies of the Linguistic expression of Motion Events, Volume I: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia}, editor = {Lamarre, Christine and Ohori, Toshio}, pages = {168-190}, publisher = {University of Tokyo}, title = {\zh{從語言類型學的觀點看漢藏語言的空間位移表述—以西夏語為例} {T}he linguistic expression of “spatial motion” in {T}angut}, year = {2007} }