Michailovsky 1985

Michailovsky, Boyd. 1985. Tibeto-Burman dental suffixes: Evidence from Limbu (Nepal). In Thurgood, Graham and Matisoff, James A. and Bradley, David (eds.), Linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan Area: The state of the art, 363-375. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.

  address   = {Canberra},
  author    = {Michailovsky, Boyd},
  booktitle = {Linguistics of the Sino-Tibetan Area: The state of the art},
  editor    = {Thurgood, Graham and Matisoff, James A. and Bradley, David},
  pages     = {363-375},
  publisher = {Pacific Linguistics},
  title     = {Tibeto-Burman dental suffixes: Evidence from Limbu (Nepal)},
  year      = {1985}