Modi, Yankee and Post, Mark W. 2022. Applicatives in Macro-Tani languages (Trans-Himalayan, Eastern Himalaya): Forms, functions and historical origins. In Pacchiarotti, Sara and Zúñiga, Fernando (eds.), Applicative Morphology: Neglected Syntactic and Non-syntactic Functions, 299-328. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
@incollection{jacquesestimative-modi22applicatives, address = {Berlin}, author = {Modi, Yankee and Post, Mark W.}, booktitle = {Applicative Morphology: Neglected Syntactic and Non-syntactic Functions}, editor = {Pacchiarotti, Sara and Zúñiga, Fernando}, pages = {299-328}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, title = {Applicatives in Macro-Tani languages (Trans-Himalayan, Eastern Himalaya): Forms, functions and historical origins}, year = {2022} }