Sagart, Laurent. 2008. The expansion of \textit{{S}etaria} farmers in {E}ast {A}sia. In Sanchez-Mazas, Alicia and Blench, Roger and Ross, Malcolm and Peiros, Ilya and Lin, Marie (eds.), Past Human Migrations in East Asia, 133-157. London: Routledge.
@incollection{jacquesestimative-sagart08setaria, address = {London}, author = {Sagart, Laurent}, booktitle = {Past Human Migrations in East Asia}, editor = {Sanchez-Mazas, Alicia and Blench, Roger and Ross, Malcolm and Peiros, Ilya and Lin, Marie}, pages = {133-157}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {The expansion of \textit{{S}etaria} farmers in {E}ast {A}sia}, year = {2008} }