Stoddard, Heather. 1997. The nine brothers of the White High. On `remembering' of history and the creation of gods. In Karmay, Samten and Sagant, Philippe (eds.), Les habitants du toit du monde. Études recueillies en hommage à Alexander W. Macdonald, 75-109. Nanterre: Publications de la Société d'ethnologie.
@incollection{jacquesestimative-stoddard972, author = {Stoddard, Heather}, booktitle = {Les habitants du toit du monde. Études recueillies en hommage à Alexander W. Macdonald}, editor = {Karmay, Samten and Sagant, Philippe}, pages = {75-109}, publisher = {Nanterre: Publications de la Société d'ethnologie}, title = {The nine brothers of the White High. On `remembering' of history and the creation of gods}, year = {1997} }