Zeisler 2017

Zeisler, Bettina. 2017. {H}ypothetical sound laws and sound potential meaning. {O}nce again on the uncommon {T}ibetan verb paradigm \textit{za, zos, zo} ‘eat’. International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction 14. 77–117.

  author  = {Zeisler, Bettina},
  journal = {International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction},
  pages   = {77–117},
  title   = {{H}ypothetical sound laws and sound potential meaning. {O}nce again on the uncommon {T}ibetan verb paradigm \textit{za, zos, zo} ‘eat’},
  volume  = {14},
  year    = {2017}