Zhao, Zhijun \zh{赵志军} and Zhao, Chaohong \zh{赵朝洪} and Yu, Jincheng \zh{郁金城} and Wang, Tao \zh{王涛} and Cui, Tianxing \zh{崔天兴} and Guo, Jingning \zh{郭京宁}. 2020. Běijīng {D}ōnghúlín yízhǐ zhíwù yícún fúxuǎn jiéguǒ jí fēnxī \zh{北京东胡林遗址植物遗存浮选结果及分析} [{R}esults of Flotation and Analysis of the {D}onghulin Site, {B}eijing]. Kǎogǔ \zh{考古}. 99-106.
@article{jacquesestimative-zhao20donghulin, author = {Zhao, Zhijun \zh{赵志军} and Zhao, Chaohong \zh{赵朝洪} and Yu, Jincheng \zh{郁金城} and Wang, Tao \zh{王涛} and Cui, Tianxing \zh{崔天兴} and Guo, Jingning \zh{郭京宁}}, journal = {Kǎogǔ \zh{考古}}, number = {7}, pages = {99-106}, title = {Běijīng {D}ōnghúlín yízhǐ zhíwù yícún fúxuǎn jiéguǒ jí fēnxī \zh{北京东胡林遗址植物遗存浮选结果及分析} [{R}esults of Flotation and Analysis of the {D}onghulin Site, {B}eijing]}, year = {2020} }