Bodomo et al. 2003

Bodomo, Adams B. and Lam, Olivia S.-C. and Yu, Natalie S.S. 2003. Double Object and Serial Verb Benefactive Constructions in Cantonese. In Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway (eds.), Proceedings of the LFG03 Conference. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

  address   = {Stanford},
  author    = {Bodomo, Adams B. and Lam, Olivia S.-C. and Yu, Natalie S.S.},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the LFG03 Conference},
  editor    = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway},
  publisher = {CSLI Publications},
  title     = {Double Object and Serial Verb Benefactive Constructions in Cantonese},
  year      = {2003}